Friday 12 April 2013


I've done a SWOT-analysis of Aktia. The analysis is based on the information I've collected from Aktias annual report and from the meeting at Aktia. So here it goes:

  • Striving to have the best Finnish customer service in selected customer segments by 2015.
  • Aktia is a relatively small bank and it strives to offer even more personal service and learn to know their customers.

  • Their biggest competitors such as OP, Danske Bank and Nordea.
  • Because Aktia is a smaller bank it has a smaller budget than it's bigger competitors and therefore it always doesn't have the fundings to keep up with their competition in terms of new technology and such.

  • To do better customer service than it's competitors for private customers and smaller companies.
  • Uncertain economic situation
  • Competitors (see above)
  • Fluctuations in stock-, interest- and currency rates -> demand on services depends on these factors
  • Changes in intrestrates, output and credit margins influences the interest margin -> can influence profitability
  • New regulations can result in higher capital requirements, sharper competition on deposits, higher fixed costs and in the long-run higher lending margins -> less people willing to take loans
/ Jasmine

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