Saturday, 6 April 2013

Palvelut ja Asiakassuhteet

Palvelut ja Asiakassuhteet - Markkinoinnin polttopisteessä

Written by: Christian Grönroos, Raija Järvinen

I picked three books from our school library and realized that this book was closest to our assignment for Aktia. The book itself consisted of 22 different articles about customer service and marketing. 

I was a bit confused after i had read the first three chapters because two of them were written in Finnish and one in Swedish. They were all written about service design and how to value them the right way. However the text itself varied a lot between the chapters. I realized that I should not look at the book as one piece rather a compilation of different opinions and ways of looking at marketing and services.

I was most interested about an article written by Mai Anttila. It was about how to think about the customers needs first and that the competition has shifted more to the direction of customer service rather than the product itself. It gave me many good ideas for our project with Aktia because our main task was about Banking service Design and Aktia likes to be close to the customers as our group found out during the meeting on Friday. 

Here's a couple of points on how a company can get a better value on their service:

1.  Parantaa palvelujen arvosisältöä
2.  Myy palveluja niiden suorittajille maksettavaa palkkaa korkeammalla hinnalla
3.  Tekee asiantuntijapalvelusta tuotteen eli tuotteistaa palveluja
4.  Omaksuu markkinoiden ositus- eli segmentointiajattelun ja sopeuttaa palvelutarjouksensa segmentin eli kohderyhmän tarpeisiin
5.  Laajentaa markkinoita tai palvelun kohderyhmää mekanisoinnin avulla.
6.  Tunnistaa mitä palvelun osia voi tuottaa heikoimmin kyvyin alemmilla palkkakustannuksilla.
7.  Automatisoi palveluja.

The article also says that compiling a bigger package of different services will give the company a chance to lure the customer to take more services for a little cheaper price than normally. Then both the company and customer will benefit from the deal.

I enjoyed the book altogether even though there were a few articles i skipped because they had nothing to do with our assignment


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