Team Royal Mess had a successful and very efficient meeting this morning at Hanken. The first decisions about the reframing of our presentation are already made. Further the tasks which still need to be done have been defined. However, every member should think again about how to refine the part of the presentation she or he presents. Eventually we decided, that we will still keep the initial idea of a story presentation, but definitely present more deep facts as the recipient this time is different.
You see, we made our thoughts. The presentation will be great!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Monday, 6 May 2013
Here we go again!
After a
creativity break and some gathering for ideas to refine our initial
presentation, Team Royal Mess will meet again on Monday 06.05.2013 at 9:00 in
the nice Hanken building to further develop the already presented measures and
illustrations of it. They will eventually be presented directly to Aktia in
To further
improve our presentations, synchronize them and get some feedback, our project
group will meet with the other team also working on an Aktia assignment, which
will be as well presented at the headquarters.
Much work
to do but also lots of motivation to get it done!
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Inno 58h Kick-out
Our Team participated in the Inno 58h Kick-out on Friday at Boost Turku. We made a Motorola (method to map your feedback) on the whole Inno 58h project as well as our group performance.
Most groups are finised with their tasks but our journes continues. We will have to hold our presentation direct in Helsinki, therefore we are still developing our project.
Keep following us to get our newest ideas and developments!
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Now we have presented our ideas at BoostTurku and I'm very proud of our group! We presented the ideas as a story about Magda 60 y/o and her customer experience in Aktia. I will try to put up the whole story on the blog a little bit later on.
We actually didn't have the representative from Aktia listening to us, so we are going with the other Aktia group to Helsinki at some point to present our ideas for the board over there. Scary but exciting I think! So our work continues and we will probably develop our ideas a bit and think about ways of really visualizing our ideas. Probably we will continue writing on the blog and Twitter so you can follow the last bit of our journey :)
Thank you INNO58h and good job all the groups!
/ Jasmine
/ Jasmine
presentation is finally ready! After using all of our creativity and putting
much effort into the creation we now have an outstanding presentation which In
our opinion clearly illustrates the ideas we developed and thoughts which
guided us during the innovation process in Kunstenniemi.
The result
of our working process will be finally presented to our customer Aktia and the
other participants of INNO58h from 13:30 on in the rooms of Boost Turku!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Finish Straight
Slow but
steady our group is heading to the finish straight. The team has developed
plenty ideas using different tools of project and innovation management.
The first
task was now to sort the ideas and group them as well as to figure out the most
important and creative ones. For this purpose every member of the group has
created his TOP 5 list of ideas which will eventually lead us to the final list
of ideas to be illustrated by our presentation.
Secondly we
had to think about composing the presentation itself. Good and sustainable
marketing always includes storytelling. The innovator team decided to pack the
final ideas into a creative story. By telling a story we have a red string in
our presentation and it gets even clearer how interconnected the promoted
issues actually are. We will try to present our story in a way, that the viewer
can clearly follow our thinking process and will be encouraged to make also his
own thoughts to further develop the ideas.
Check our
latest progresses on Twitter!
The work continues
Today we've been busy creating and developing ideas. Throwing some away, creating new ones, taking old ones back and so on. So far we've done pretty good and ideas are really forming in our minds. The work and developing continues...
/ Jasmine
By the way, we eat A LOT here... Ufff.
Surprise Surprise
It is really
surprising that you can still squeeze out new ideas or discover new facets of a
topic just by changed the angle. This even works if you might think that you
have already handled the point exhaustively. That is the reason why we
continued with a learning café, which again shifted some ideas we had into a
totally new direction.
One motto
which developed out of this learning café is ”One Touch/One Click” which
basically describes many of our values like fast access, clear visualization
and easy use.
It is still
challenging to figure out the needs which are crucial for our target group.
Only if we manage this task we can eventually develop innovative solutions to
satisfy the customers´ demands.
Second day of Kunstenniemi - Morning session
This morning started with a reflection of our work done so far. We used the NABC method, developed at the renowned Stanford University, to figure out the Needs, Approaches, Benefits and Competitors which are crucial to know for our further working process. It is motivating to get a clear picture of what whe have crafted so far as well as to have an illustration of what might still be improved.
Eventually our analysis was presented to the whole INNO58 team which provided very contructive feedback which we will now ground on our further improvements. Besides from the creative replies to our work we had some insights into the progress of the others which was both impressive and inspiring.
Further updates will follow during this afternoon!
Eventually our analysis was presented to the whole INNO58 team which provided very contructive feedback which we will now ground on our further improvements. Besides from the creative replies to our work we had some insights into the progress of the others which was both impressive and inspiring.
Further updates will follow during this afternoon!
Monday, 15 April 2013
Back to the future
Although it
might appear that our group is desperately lost in cyberspace: we are
heavily thinking about analogue services which can be improved together with
the digital ones. Overall improvement is the goal.
Our ideas
are revolving around face-to-face service as well as personal visits and phone
banking. Further there should be found ways to create a more inviting atmosphere
in the branches itself. 24/7 service will be thoroughly discussed and might be
implemented by mobile banking as well as video counters in the branches to
ensure face-to-face advice all day and all night.
Aktia has yet done successful improvements with some impressively good ideas. We are already
on the road, but now heading to the autobahn in order to take over the other
cars on their way to the customer…
Be ready
for more Royal Mess!
Magda´s Journey
In order to
try to see the world with the eyes of a senior customer our team created the
very empathetic and decent fictional character of Magda who started a journey
to explore the internet. In cooperation with our Silver Surfer Magda we tried to design an extra
clear online banking page customized to the needs of elderly customers.
customization, this crucial buzzword will definitely appear also in the further
posts. Stay tuned for them!
Inspiration Time
When you are working the whole day you have to find different ways to fresh up our mind and get some new ideas you haven´t initially thought about.
As we discussed possible solutions and got stuck at some point, the group just decided: Why always only look for a solution, shouldn´t we simply analyse the tools we have at hand and afterwards check for the problems we can solve with them?
Stay tuned to our blog and Twitter to get the latest updates about our working process. Some inspirational thoughts on website design will be posted soon...
As we discussed possible solutions and got stuck at some point, the group just decided: Why always only look for a solution, shouldn´t we simply analyse the tools we have at hand and afterwards check for the problems we can solve with them?
Stay tuned to our blog and Twitter to get the latest updates about our working process. Some inspirational thoughts on website design will be posted soon...
Dinner Time!
workspaces as all the people are trying to fill up their batteries during a
delicious lunch here in Kunstaniemi. Our group has already collected some ideas
and identified fields we are aiming to further develop. But well, as in every creation
process there will be most probably totally different results this evening…
Stay Tuned!
Links on banking services for the young elderly
Senior citizens pay more (Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority)
BANK4ELDER (B4E, Bank4Elder)
General user needs (B4E, Bank4Elder)
Modern banking for older people (The Engineer)
'Text Banking Touch & Go' FAQ (Text Banking Touch & Go)
There will be more links, so stay tuned!
BANK4ELDER (B4E, Bank4Elder)
General user needs (B4E, Bank4Elder)
Modern banking for older people (The Engineer)
'Text Banking Touch & Go' FAQ (Text Banking Touch & Go)
There will be more links, so stay tuned!
Kunstenniemi, here we go!
We've arrived in Kunstenniemi and we're already up and creating. We got our Aktia assignment and it goes like this:
"Re-think banking service-design and future banking experience for Aktia using digital and technical solutions (target group: 60-70+)."
Frågor & svar från Aktia
Vi har till allas stora glädje fått svar från Aktia gällande deras verksamhet, strategi, och dylikt. Frågor & svar enligt följande:
- Vi har hört att Aktias mål är att år 2015 vara Finlands bästa bank på service; hurdana åtgärder och hurdan strategi har ni för att genomföra målet?
* Vi har ett proaktiv sätt att arbeta gentemot våra kunder
* Vår focus är att ha en vältränad, effektiv och spänstig organisation som arbetar på kundens villkor med ett personligt och modern sätt
* vi fastställer varje år mätare för att följa upp hur bra vi är på kundservice
* även externa/objektiva mätningar används i kombination med egna mätare/kundförfrågningar för att få en helhetsbild
* Mätarna baserar sig på: aktivitet gentemot kunder, tillgänglighet då kunden behöver få tag på oss, smidighet och enkelhet i att sköta sina ärenden, vår sakkunnighet att kunna betjäna kunderna i alla deras utmaningar/frågor samt trevlighet (det är roligt att vara i kontakt med oss).
- Har Aktia planerat att göra eller håller Aktia på att göra en "bank-app" till smarttelefoner? Hur kommer den att verkställas och vilka tjänster kommer den att innehålla?
* ingen bank-app lanseras för olika platformer som går att ladda ner t.ex på Appstore
* istället lanseras en mobil browsing-version av nätbanken i början av hösten 2013 som innehåller de mest väsentliga tjänsterna man som kund behöver (betala räkningar, se saldo, bekräfta betalningar/e-fakturor, se förfallande betalningar)
- Vilken är Er viktigaste målgrupp/kundsegment inom private-banking?
* Inom privatkundssegmentet är våra viktigaste kunder förmögna och/eller höginkomsstagare, familjebyggare och unga kunder med bra potential (utbildning, yrke...).
* För dessa erbjuder vi olika kundförmåner och -erbjudanden såsom Aktia Premium.
* Private Banking är vår avdelning/kontor för våra mest förmögna privatkunder
- Vad upplever Aktia själv att är dess starka sidor som en bank i Finland och vilka kunde utvecklas?
* Styrkor: tvåspråkighet, lokal närvaro där vi känner kunderna personligen, inhemsk och självständig retailbank med lojala ägare, konkurrenskraftiga tjänster/priser och kunderbjudande
* Utvecklingsområden: kännedom på finska marknaden, nivån på kundservice, moderna och smartare system t.ex. mobila tjänster och tjänster i telefon/nätet, större möjligheter online, attraktivitet som arbetsgivare
- Hurdan skolning har Aktia för arbetstagarna och hur ofta håller Aktia skolningar?
* Arbetstagarna utbildas enligt ett schema årligen med information kring produkter, försäljning, aktuella förändringar i lagstiftning/marknaden, kundförmåner, ledarskap.
* Totalt ordnas årligen tiotals utbildningar både fysiskt på plats, via telefonkonferenser och genom e-learning
* Alla nya aktianer har ett eget introduktionsprogram
- Mikael L
- Vi har hört att Aktias mål är att år 2015 vara Finlands bästa bank på service; hurdana åtgärder och hurdan strategi har ni för att genomföra målet?
* Vi har ett proaktiv sätt att arbeta gentemot våra kunder
* Vår focus är att ha en vältränad, effektiv och spänstig organisation som arbetar på kundens villkor med ett personligt och modern sätt
* vi fastställer varje år mätare för att följa upp hur bra vi är på kundservice
* även externa/objektiva mätningar används i kombination med egna mätare/kundförfrågningar för att få en helhetsbild
* Mätarna baserar sig på: aktivitet gentemot kunder, tillgänglighet då kunden behöver få tag på oss, smidighet och enkelhet i att sköta sina ärenden, vår sakkunnighet att kunna betjäna kunderna i alla deras utmaningar/frågor samt trevlighet (det är roligt att vara i kontakt med oss).
- Har Aktia planerat att göra eller håller Aktia på att göra en "bank-app" till smarttelefoner? Hur kommer den att verkställas och vilka tjänster kommer den att innehålla?
* ingen bank-app lanseras för olika platformer som går att ladda ner t.ex på Appstore
* istället lanseras en mobil browsing-version av nätbanken i början av hösten 2013 som innehåller de mest väsentliga tjänsterna man som kund behöver (betala räkningar, se saldo, bekräfta betalningar/e-fakturor, se förfallande betalningar)
- Vilken är Er viktigaste målgrupp/kundsegment inom private-banking?
* Inom privatkundssegmentet är våra viktigaste kunder förmögna och/eller höginkomsstagare, familjebyggare och unga kunder med bra potential (utbildning, yrke...).
* För dessa erbjuder vi olika kundförmåner och -erbjudanden såsom Aktia Premium.
* Private Banking är vår avdelning/kontor för våra mest förmögna privatkunder
- Vad upplever Aktia själv att är dess starka sidor som en bank i Finland och vilka kunde utvecklas?
* Styrkor: tvåspråkighet, lokal närvaro där vi känner kunderna personligen, inhemsk och självständig retailbank med lojala ägare, konkurrenskraftiga tjänster/priser och kunderbjudande
* Utvecklingsområden: kännedom på finska marknaden, nivån på kundservice, moderna och smartare system t.ex. mobila tjänster och tjänster i telefon/nätet, större möjligheter online, attraktivitet som arbetsgivare
- Hurdan skolning har Aktia för arbetstagarna och hur ofta håller Aktia skolningar?
* Arbetstagarna utbildas enligt ett schema årligen med information kring produkter, försäljning, aktuella förändringar i lagstiftning/marknaden, kundförmåner, ledarskap.
* Totalt ordnas årligen tiotals utbildningar både fysiskt på plats, via telefonkonferenser och genom e-learning
* Alla nya aktianer har ett eget introduktionsprogram
- Mikael L
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Yes we mean you!
Dear reader,
what are your thoughts on the future of banking?
Do you think that face to face bank encounters and branches will totally disappear?
In which direction will the business evolve?
What might be the future trends in your opinion?
Share your thoughts with us! The team is excited to get some new insights and inspiration from your viewpoints :-)
Matthäus for Team Royal Mess
what are your thoughts on the future of banking?
Do you think that face to face bank encounters and branches will totally disappear?
In which direction will the business evolve?
What might be the future trends in your opinion?
Share your thoughts with us! The team is excited to get some new insights and inspiration from your viewpoints :-)
Matthäus for Team Royal Mess
Future Trends
with many forecasts, there will still be branches, because people want to see
who copes with their money, it is a matter of trust. But the branches will
New fresh
bank counter design will provide an open and trustful image of future banks.
Generally the branches will look more inviting and more open to the customers.
There will most probably be fewer branches and smaller ones with less staff.
New technology will be provided inside. It might be possible 24/7 to get face
to face assistance via monitor and teleconference. Many services can be done by
the customer himself within the branch on special counters.
also smaller developments have to be stressed, like new design for ATMs which
increases privacy.
It is
estimated, that the customer can do 90% of banking services on his own. So why
not encourage the customer to do so and through this make banking faster as
well as save costs?
branches might therefore rather resemble check-in counters at airports, where
the customers can do their banking business on their own. There will only be a
few people assisting these actions in case of questions or insecurities.
The most
opportunities for do-it-yourself banking most probably offers online banking. It
is accessible every day and during all times of the day. Further you can reach
it from your home via computer or mobile phone app. These online services will
be further redesigned to make it even easier in the future to do your business
from the place you are at the moment. Along with online and do-it-yourself
services comes mobile banking and customization.
banking via the internet is definitely still a trend and a growing market. It
allows the customer to transfer money from every place he is. It paves the way
to 24/7 omniscient service, which also means 24/7 possibility to make business
and spend money, possibly increasing spending.
mobilization also concerns the field of assistance. The customer will connect
his device to the bank and get assistance via teleconference or video
conference directly on his mobile device or PC. This advantage makes assistance
faster, accessible from everywhere and every time. No longer the customer has
to go to the branch and queue or make an appointment if a problem appears, he
gets help instantly.
A trend for
the future is surely also customization. User interface will be tailored to the
customer´s needs in order to make access faster, easier and more efficient.
This might also reach new customer strata who are not using online services by
today. The advantages of the digital age, offering much data to analyze your
customer gives the company many opportunities to customize services, offers and
There will
be new ways to perform research on customization. Demographics will no longer
play such an important role, the trend will shift to psychographics. Nowadays
many offers are tailored to life-stage banking but more efficient might be
lifestyle banking guided by the customers´ attitude, values and beliefs.
Cooperation turns to co-creation
is still essential in the future. But even more crucial is creating new
services and offers. In an interconnected world this will more often only be
possible in cooperation. Banks, retailers, technologists and telecommunication
providers will cooperate to co-create new trends. A focus should be especially
put on the cooperation between banks and telecommunication providers. Banks
have the knowledge, experience and licenses for the money business while the
telecommunication branch provides leading-edge possibilities to reach customers
as well as an overall network and infrastructure to offer services everywhere.
can also be regarded under the fact that people no longer strive for owning
things as long as they can still use them. Car-sharing schemes or internet
services like Spotify are an indicator for this trend. This might inspire some
new co-creations.
can be as well a blessing as a curse. Firstly it opens up new opportunities to
offer services to customers and make banking mobile and therefore everywhere
accessible. Secondly it provides the opportunity to gather more information in
an easier way, which allows the company to tailor its services and marketing
better to the demands of the specific customer.
However, digitalization
and major shifts triggered by it in the market of financial services also
changes the environment. New competitors in this field might appear, like for
example Google. The company recently started the Google Wallet service and
payment services are one of the three top priorities for Google in the future.
There are already real life examples how digitalization can change whole
markets and the structure in it. Apple is nowadays the world´s largest music
retailer with its iTunes online store, totally disrupting the market with its
initial actors.
also means "Bye Bye" paper, which has the advantage that many tons of
it will be saved, decreasing costs and having a positive effect on the
Is NFC technology the payment system of the future?
and cable-less data exchange can be definitely identified as one of today´s
most emerging trends. Ranging from the commonly used wireless data
communication, internet through WiFi and mobile phone networks, over
identification cards to enter buildings or the bus up to cable-less charging of
the new Nokia Lumia phones. And the trend might also be used in the banking
sector by implanting the NFC technology for fast payment of small amounts.
Fields of application
commonly NFC technology is already used in identification cards, for example
giving access to local transportation networks like busses and metros or
allowing persons to enter buildings. Further Stickers with NFC are put on
packages in order to locate them faster in storages or integrated into labels
as anti-theft measures.
A very
interesting application is the usage for fast payment with credit cards already
implemented in some countries, mainly North America, Austria and recently
Germany . This service is called PayWave by Visa or Paypass when provided by
phone manufacturers are starting to provide phones with already integrated NFC
chips or add special NFC stickers to be put on the back of your phone in order
to use new payment services like Google Wallet.
So what are
the advantages of this technology?
it is a very fast and not complex way to pay small amounts of money. However,
it also increases daily security, as you are not obliged to carry that much
money with you in everyday life as most payments can be done by your NFC
smartphone, making it less attractive for thieves to rob people.
Every new
technology has also some risks, especially in the electronic sector and when it
comes to money.
revolve around the safety of data on the card. Experts argue that the cards can
be read out through the pocket within a range of 10 centimeters, making it easy
for thieves to get credit card data, particularly in crowds or public
transportation. Additionally the authorization processes on the terminals might
increase the traceability of the persons, further leading to a glass customer.
If someone
loses his card, fraud is made even easier, as for these small payments with the
NFC technology no signature or pin code is checked. The thief is able to buy
things until the card or phone is blocked. Although only small amounts can be
paid in this way, still a striking financial damage may be done to the customer
some companies doubt, that NFC technology is the payment scheme of future. It
is still bound to check-out terminals, which might create queues. Service providers
like PayPal strive for more mobile payment systems, making it for example
possible to pay things from every point inside the shop just by scanning the
barcode with your smartphone.
questions will be: how long will this technology for mobile payment take to be
implemented? Does this make NFC technology only a bridge technology, not worth
to make large investments into it?
technology will definitely enter the market. It might be successful in a world continuously
yearning for faster utilities. Whether it will finally make a fortune can be
observed in the following years. The break even point might be reached already.
- webpages
of companies involved in this business
Face to Face vs. Internet - Will Online Banking completely substitute Face to face service?
More and
more banking services are offered online nowadays. Companies transform their
business into more online banking as this saves costs and gives the customers
as well as the bank itself the opportunity to do business 24/7.
Face to
face means trust and trust is especially crucial when it comes to money. Hence
still many people prefer to do important business on the bank counters and not
online. Particularly the current generation 50+ still does not trust the
services offered on the internet. Furthermore they worship the opportunity to
get assistance and advices.
Banking opens up many new opportunities to offer new services to customers.
They now can check their business from home and do transactions all around the
clock, not bound to any opening hours of bank counters. Further, the online
banking desktop can and will be customized to the need of every single customer
in the future, making this way of banking even easier and more efficient.
Services on the internet save costs, as there are no longer needed branches in
expensive downtown areas with employees to be paid, which of course can also be
seen as an disadvantage when people lose their jobs.
What to do?
Both types
of services can melt and adapt attributes from each other. Face to face
marketing will still play a large role in the future, but has to be
transformed. Future face to face assistance can also be done 24/7 in banks, for
example through video counters connecting to a customer service center or advices
through connection to the customer via webcam. Face to face marketing can also
adapt lessons learned on the internet, like for example increasing customization
of services. There have to be found ways to prepare bank workers for the next customer
in order to offer him better service and help.
online banking there still have to be made developments in the user interface
as well as to be found new measures to increase payment security. Other
advantages of the well connected world can be used, like for example a shared
desktop, where bank advisers can directly assist the customer, whether in the
banks itself or on your own computer.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Portfolio: Jasmine
You can find my parts I've written on this blog for the individual portfolio by klicking on the tag "Jasmine" on this blog. Or you can find them here.
Only two days to Kunstenniemi, exciting!
I've done a SWOT-analysis of Aktia. The analysis is based on the information I've collected from Aktias annual report and from the meeting at Aktia. So here it goes:
- Striving to have the best Finnish customer service in selected customer segments by 2015.
- Aktia is a relatively small bank and it strives to offer even more personal service and learn to know their customers.
- Their biggest competitors such as OP, Danske Bank and Nordea.
- Because Aktia is a smaller bank it has a smaller budget than it's bigger competitors and therefore it always doesn't have the fundings to keep up with their competition in terms of new technology and such.
- To do better customer service than it's competitors for private customers and smaller companies.
- Uncertain economic situation
- Competitors (see above)
- Fluctuations in stock-, interest- and currency rates -> demand on services depends on these factors
- Changes in intrestrates, output and credit margins influences the interest margin -> can influence profitability
- New regulations can result in higher capital requirements, sharper competition on deposits, higher fixed costs and in the long-run higher lending margins -> less people willing to take loans
/ Jasmine
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Future Vision, Strategy and Outlook
Aktias aim in the future will be to
develop especially the customer-oriented banking and insurance- solutions and
add value to the customers, owners and the local community. Their vision is to
be the leading bank in helping customers improve and safeguard their finances.
The core values include 5 main themes: responsibility, customer closeness,
security, individual service and last but not least, active customer contact.
They strive to be a modern, active and committed bank that takes good care of
its customers.
In order to being able to integrate
their subsidiaries under one brand, Aktia has made the decision to execute a
centralised group model control. Thus their strengths in the future will
include decision-making on local level. The main targets geographically is the
bilingual coastal area as almost 50% of the customers are bilingual
(Swedish-speaking Finns) as well as certain chosen cities (Helsinki
and its region, Turku , Tampere ,
Oulu ). They aim
at achieving growth through cross-selling services and products to the
customers of the group. Collaboration is an important part of the services
Aktia offer; it is made with partners such as Veritas Pension Insurance and
Folksam, which are the two most important of Aktias cooperation partners. Aktia
wants to point out that their main competitive advantage is founded on the
dialogue between customer and staff. This is possible due to the fact that
Aktia is a small bank and wants to offer their customers a close, personal
relationship to the bank and its staff.
Aktia is striving to grow slightly
more than the market in the times to come, especially in the fields of services
to private customers and small companies. The plan of action includes, as
mentioned before, becoming the Finnish champion of customer services in
selected customer segments in 2015.
- Mikael L
Working Day at Novia
Working Day at Novia
Our working day at Novia last friday started out
rather early with a gathering at Robert’s Coffee where I, Jasmine, Rasmus and
Bella from the other Aktia group got together to think about questions to the office manager
at Aktia. We came up with a couple of good questions and although we did not
necessarily get answers to all of them, we had a good time at Aktia and got an
insight in their business activities. Johannes and Max from the other group
also joined the visit to Aktia. It was helpful for us to get a
“hands-on”-visit to our customer; once you get to know at least a little bit about
how the customer practically deals with its clients, it becomes easier for us
as a group to understand what the customers strengths and possible weaknesses
are and what we could do to help them solve these problems.
Later on I and Jasmine joined the
rest of the group at the working day at Novia. Our first task was to write a
short story about where we see the banking business will develop until 2025. We
got fifteen minutes to write it, and so we rather quickly reached a consensus
of what it could be like.
Our vision included an app made for
tablets and smartphones in which the customer could log on to the actual bank
service directly through his/her tablet and get to talk to an actual person
from the bank via the application. The customer could choose between a couple
of options regarding the service; gender and language. The long-term customers
would obviously get to run errands with the same person every time, and if that
wouldn’t be possible, the bank would automatically suggest another person get
service from. If no-one at all would be available at the time of the check-in,
the customer would get a “call back” from the bank when someone at the bank was
available; this would result in less standing in line for the customer. The
banks would also get to keep closer and more personal contact with the
customers and get to know them and their preferences better.
After we finished our story I was honored to
get to present the whole thing to the class and the teachers.
- Mikael L
Mission: ” We develop and sell customer-oriented banking and insurance solutions
and create added value for our customers,
owners and the local community.”
Vision: “We are the leading bank in helping our customers to improve and
safeguard their finances and are the customers’ first choice in the areas in
which we operate.”
//Mikael H
A Brief Past of Aktia
//Mikael H
Non-Life insurance merger work began
shares increased in every segment
sponsor of Pidä Saaristo Siistinä Ry for years
Non-Life insurance merger
listed to Helsinki Stock Exchange
the trademark
Dialogi concept
customers personal needs, financial situation, values à best products and services for the
to Universities in Finland 10 000- 80 000€
general a good year for Aktia
of their phone services
“back office” tasks to certain areas àmore time for customers
Järvenpää and Loviisa
get to choose were they would like to sit ( different spaces)
with Moomin
to use in marketing and different moomin products
of similar values
internetservice (
user friendly. Possibility to test the service?
investment adviser
financial plan
Gold card
of the intranet
new Aktia Stores (by the end of 2013: 10 offices)
Useful links and sources: links and sources:
//Mikael H
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Aktia/ Segments & services
”Meille asiakas on ykkönen! Jokainen tarvitsee arkensa pyörittämiseen tietyt pankin peruspalvelut. Käytyämme yhdessä läpi toiveesi ja tarpeesi voimme koota sinulle sopivan kokonaisuuden, jotta arkesi olisi sujuvampi. Meille on helppo tulla asiakkaaksi; hoidamme pankinvaihdon puolestasi ja autamme sinua kaikkien talousasioittesi hoitamisessa, kaikissa elämänvaiheissasi. Paikallisuus ja henkilökohtainen palvelu ovat toimintamme peruspilareita.”
Aktia Oyj:n liiketoiminta on jaettu neljään segmenttiin: Pankkitoiminta, Varainhoito, Henkivakuutus ja Muut. (Aktia Oyj Vuosikertomus 2012)
Konsernin liikevoitto jatkuvista toiminnoista segmenteittäin
(milj. euroa) 1-12/2012 1-12/2011 Δ %
Pankkitoiminta (banking) 39,2 35,6 10 %
Varainhoito (financial) 9,4 5,6 67 %
Henkivakuutus (life insurance) 14,7 10,3 43 %
Muut (other) -7,1 -5,3 -33 %
Eliminoinnit (eliminations) -0,2 -1,5 89 %
Yhteensä 56,0 44,6 26 %
Aktiasta saat:
· kaikki tarvitsemasi pankki-, vakuutus- ja kiinteistönvälityspalvelut
· halutessasi saat henkilökohtaisen asiakasvastaavan, joka auttaa sinua kaikissa talouteesi liittyvissä kysymyksissä
· esimerkiksi lainapäätöksen välittömästi omasta konttoristasi, koska kaikki Aktian konttorit toimivat paikallisesti
· palvelua eri kanavien kautta, myös konttorien aukiolojen ulkopuolella, silloin kun sinulle parhaiten sopii
Vuoteen 2015 mennessä mm….
· Aktian tavoitteena on parantaa kilpailukykyä ja olla Suomen mestari valittujen asiakasryhmien palvelussa. Aktiassa panostetaan edelleen tehokkaaseen ja asiakasystävälliseen palveluun ja kehitetään taloudellisia ratkaisuja yksityistalouksille, yrittäjille, pienyrityksille ja instituutioille.
· Verkkopalvelujen ja vuonna 2012 käyttöön otetun uuden verkkopankin kehitystyö jatkuu.
· Aktian konttoriverkostoa kehitetään ja uudistetaan asteittain, ja henkilöstön osaamista vahvistetaan painopisteenä proaktiivinen vuoropuhelu asiakkaiden kanssa.
· Konsernin kustannusrakenteen parantamiseksi tehtävällä työllä on korkea prioriteetti. Konsernirakenteen yksinkertaistaminen parantaa kustannustehokkuutta niin hallinnossa, prosesseissa kuin yhteisissä toiminnoissa.
// Laura
Working Day@Novia. PART II
After a good lunch we continued working with Team Fresh (the other Aktia group) and heard the brief from the ones who were in Aktia in the morning. After the short brief that we got we continued working separately on our own projects.
We went through some information about our customer that everyone had gathered by researching e.g. the company's website. After that we went through what is going to happen in Kunstenniemi (or what has happened the previous times), what everyone still should do before Kunstenniemi, set up deadlines and talked in general about how we will proceed with the project.
I have a really good feeling about this!
Still coming this week: posts on this blog about everyones research fields on Aktia. Stay tuned!
// Mikael H
We went through some information about our customer that everyone had gathered by researching e.g. the company's website. After that we went through what is going to happen in Kunstenniemi (or what has happened the previous times), what everyone still should do before Kunstenniemi, set up deadlines and talked in general about how we will proceed with the project.
I have a really good feeling about this!
Still coming this week: posts on this blog about everyones research fields on Aktia. Stay tuned!
// Mikael H
Customer service / Aktia
Aktia sees a person in every customer
It's Aktia's aim to be the best at helping our customers improve and safeguard their finances. Aktia offer private and corporate customers comprehensive banking, asset management, insurance and real estate agency services.
Aktia want to offer the best possible customer service and build up our solutions so that they fit in with the customer’s life situation. They also promise that:
· All phone calls will be answered promptly and always by a real person
· Customers get their own contact person if they so wish
· All correspondence received via the Net bank’s message system and e-mail messages will be answered within one working day
Core values
Our core values form the heart of what we consider to be right and where our priorities must lie. They also govern our actions.
· Responsibility
We bear a responsibility to our customers, owners and the local community by acting profitably, reliably and ethically.
We bear a responsibility to our customers, owners and the local community by acting profitably, reliably and ethically.
· Customer closeness
The staff at our local offices provide personal customer service in a respectful manner.
The staff at our local offices provide personal customer service in a respectful manner.
· Security
We provide our customers with security and, through controlled risk taking, we ensure that the company is a secure employer and partner.
We provide our customers with security and, through controlled risk taking, we ensure that the company is a secure employer and partner.
· Individual service
We respect every individual, both customer and colleague. Togetherness, competence and job satisfaction are important cornerstones of One Aktia.
We respect every individual, both customer and colleague. Togetherness, competence and job satisfaction are important cornerstones of One Aktia.
· Active customer contact
We are modern and active, and we are committed.
We are modern and active, and we are committed.
// Laura
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