Monday, 11 March 2013

Aktia: Banking Service Design

Hi! So it's Monday again and yet another "working" week begins. Today I attended the team leader meeting at Turun AMK and we got to know what company we're going to work with and what our keyword for the project is. As you maybe already guessed from the blog post title, our group is going to work with Aktia and the keyword we got is "Banking Service Design". So from this we have to build up our own understanding on what the actual project might be and read theory before the intensive period at Kunstenniemi in April where we're going to start with the actual project. On Friday we have our first "working day" from 9 AM to 3 PM, and to that every team member has to bring three books each on interesting topics that we can use as theory for the project. From those books we'll choose a minimum of one each and read it and later on you'll see what the book was about and what we thought about it here on the blog. That's about all I know for now.

One interesting thing I noticed at the meeting today was that just three out of twelve of the team leaders were women; I was wondering if that was just a coincidence, do we have more guys doing this course or are women just afraid of "leader" positions? Well this is a topic that is interesting, but maybe not something we want to take an opinion on during this course. I do not take this leader position as blood serious since it just happened that I had the time to attend this meeting and I think everyone in the group are equal in every matter. Everyone should do aprox. the same amount of work and be as active as anyone. Well it was just one of those things I notice. Bye now!

/ Jasmine

Picture from here.


  1. I think it is an interesting question why there are only 3 women teamleaders. I wonder would there be more women teamleaders if there had been more time to discuss the question of choosing the teamleaders. I´m sure that men can be good teamleaders also but maeby it would be good to have more even numbers.
    Timo Linnossuo

    1. Maybe yes it would have been more women if there would have been more time. / Jasmine
